Participate in the NwOA Rural Small Business Owners Survey!
Are you a rural small business owner? Are you looking for ways to tell local, regional, and statewide resource partners what YOU need? Only 2 weeks left to let your voice be heard through the Rural Small Business Owners Survey.
Through this survey, we hope to better understand our rural economy and make more informed decisions about focusing resources, policy implementation, and investment. Your feedback will contribute to the resources of today—for you—and the resources of tomorrow. Let’s close the gaps and erase the obstacles you faced in starting your company to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Not a small business owner or founder? Please share! We are really trying to capture a picture of the WHOLE state.
Participation also puts rural small business owners first in line for a soon-to-come Rural Asset Map, which will be a regional resource map with support services from all corners of the state easily listed for entrepreneurs’ benefit.
Many rural resource partners are helping to share this survey as a coalition focused on supporting rural entrepreneurs. If you receive the survey from multiple sources, just know we really want your opinion captured.